Carlsbad Pest Control
Fleas are small and wingless. Their bodies are reddish brown in color and shiny, covered with tiny hair. They are compressed to enable easy movement through animal fur. Both pets and humans can suffer from flea bites. Even though most fleas don’t live on humans, they can bite humans bringing an uncomfortable itch or rash.
Flea Season
Flea season commonly peaks during hot days, but these pests can be a constant problem. It is time to start looking for them – and taking preventative measures to protect your pet from them- during the spring. But, if you see that your pet is scratching more often and with a greater rush, you should check your pet immediately to determine whether or not fleas are present.
Signs of Fleas Infestation
Flea Eggs
Female adult fleas usually lay their eggs in mysterious places like on your pet’s bedding, under furniture, crevices, holes, and carpets.
Rashes or lesions can be caused by fleas. These nasty little critters bite with a painful sting, leaving you or your pet irritated, and red bumps or welts can show up after being bitten.
Do you find yourself or your pets scratching more than usual? This is the only obvious sign of a Flea infestation. Fleas build their habitat in furry animals in hard-to-reach places like their head, armpits, tail, and groin.
Flea Droppings
Have you been noticing any black pepper like specks on your pet’s body? That
would most likely be flea feces, to identify it isn’t just any rubbish that got caught in your pet’s fur, get a few of these and drop them in water.
Signs of Fleas Infestation
Flea Eggs
Female adult fleas usually lay their eggs in secretive places like on your pet’s bedding,
under furniture, crevices, holes and carpets.
rashes or lesions can be caused by fleas. These nasty little critters bite with a painful
sting, leaving you or your pet irritated and red bumps or welts can show up after being bitten.
Flea Droppings
Flea Itchy Facts
- Fleas can jump around 30 thousand times in a row.
- They can also jump very high.
- Fleas can lift objects 150 times heavier than their own body weight.
- Once adult fleas emerge from their puparia, they have approximately 7 days to find a blood meal or they will die.
- Females can consume 15 times their own body weight in blood on a daily basis.
- Female fleas can lay about 2,000 eggs over the course of their lives, but are incapable of laying eggs until after their first meal.
- Once they have had their first blood meal, female fleas will lay their eggs within 35 to 48 hours.
- Flea eggs are usually laid directly on a host, often falling off and spreading the infestation to the surrounding environment.
- Over 2500 species of fleas have been identified by entomologists but many more are thought to exist. Entomologists are scientists who study insects.
Is It Possible To Have Fleabites Even Though You Don’t Have Pets?
Get Rid Of Fleas For Good
Is It Possible To Have Fleabites Even Though You Don’t Have Pets?
Get Rid Of Fleas For Good

Ants are extremely capable and intelligent insects. Though harmless, they can be a problem when they invade into your home or business property.

Living with bed bugs, not to mention sleeping with them, can be very uncomfortable and unhealthy. Don’t allow bed bugs in your home keep you up at night, or bed bugs found in your hotel keep your guests complaining.

There are many different types of cockroaches to keep an eye out. No matter what kind you discover in your home or commercial property, it’s best to have them exterminated immediately.

Flea infestations constantly come from a pet dog or cat. The pests attach to the animal when it is outside, and then infest its fur and the places it sleeps indoors.

Spiders are frequently one of the most terrifying pests. Though beneficial for our ecology, most people choose spiders to stay outside where they belong.

Termites are a serious matter. In only a short period of time, a termite colony can cause lots of dollars worth of structural damage to your home. When you have a feeling termites on your property, you need to act right away.
If you find yourself battling tiny red bites after a day in your property, call us today!